2015-16 Harriers Photo Contest Winners.
PIH is a very social club. We meet regularly throughout the year for formal club meetings, burger + beer evenings, the annual Christmas lights run, and an annual summer bbq. Wilderness runs are also planned in the summer and are great social events. More information at http://pih.bc.ca/train/39-
Can't wait to meet in person? Try the Facebook Page, or Twitter.
2015-16 Harriers Photo Contest Winners.
Sunday, August 21, 2016 at 11:00 am - This is a PIH premier social event and an opportunity to get together with Harriers and their friends and families to enjoy a sunny, summer afternoon at Bob''s lovely country property on McKenzie Lake. Run, hike, mountain bike, swim, canoe, kayak then eat at the annual club BBQ. Printable Poster about the Picnic and BBQ
PIH welcomes new members. Don't worry, you are not too slow (or too fast). PIH has members at all levels and all ages. Benefits include group runs, workouts, meetings, discounts at races and local stores, social events and travel assistance. Joining the club is easy.
Election of Officers, Guest Speaker Matt Cecill and Social
Tuesday, November 8 – 7:00 pm
Six Mile Pub, 494 Old Island Highway
HWH#1 - Friday, July 1 (Canada Day) - Stewart Mountain/Scafe Hill, meet at the end of Westoby Road at 9:00 am.
HWH#2 - Monday, August 1 (B.C. Day) - Mount Blinkhorn, meet at the small gravel parking lot on Kangaroo Road at 9:00 am.
HWH#3 - Monday, September 5 (Labour Day) - Mill Hill, meet at the small, gravel parking lot on Six Mile Road, junction of Atkins Road, at 9:00 am.
You don’t need a dog to join in with the Harriers Wilderness Hikes as everyone is welcome including your dogs if you have one. Add these dates to your social calendar. No running!
The best places to find a PIH member when they're not running.