HWH#1 - Friday, July 1 (Canada Day) - Stewart Mountain/Scafe Hill, meet at the end of Westoby Road at 9:00 am.
HWH#2 - Monday, August 1 (B.C. Day) - Mount Blinkhorn, meet at the small gravel parking lot on Kangaroo Road at 9:00 am.
HWH#3 - Monday, September 5 (Labour Day) - Mill Hill, meet at the small, gravel parking lot on Six Mile Road, junction of Atkins Road, at 9:00 am.
You don’t need a dog to join in with the Harriers Wilderness Hikes as everyone is welcome including your dogs is you have one. Add these dates to your social calendar. No running!
Submitted by: Bob Reid, Dec. 9, 2022.