Threshold Thursday efforts start at 6:00 PM every Thursday for spring and summer (6:30 PM mid-June to August). These 90-minute to two-hour sessions are vital to building an aerobic base for mature athletes of all abilities, planning to compete from 1500m to the 5K to 10K and up and over the marathon and short ultra marathons.

The runs use the Lochside regional trail north of McKenzie Ave, starting a bit beyond the Monkey Tree Pub at Tripp Station Park. Three weeks in a row will be the same Arthur Lydiard-style out-and-back run with a warm-up and warm-down. Once every four weeks may be altered to a shorter version for recovery and supercompensation. All runs can be altered for individual needs (fitness, injuries, fatigue).

All abilities are welcome, as we run by time, not distance, and effort not pace. We run the warm-up and warm-downs easy, together. The quality portion, based on time, means we all end together.

The concept of the out-and-back Threshold Thursdays were invented by New Zealander Arthur Lydiard. Variations of the run is a staple of any quality distance training program for anyone of any ability looking to feel more comfortable running longer, stronger, with confidence.

Come out and just do the warm up and warm down in between, you run based on YOUR individual effort no matter how fast or modest you may be as long as you can be on your feet up to to two hours.

2025 Schedule

Who is this for? Autumn cross-country/Marathon and road racers – all abilities – all fitness levels

Where? Lochisde Trail, meet beside Tripp Station Park

When? 6p.m. Thursdays from March 27 to September 25, 2025 – Consider a headlamp for first three and final three sessions

Cost? Free for Harriers, $5/session for non-Harriers.

1 Mar. 27 Long tempo Early aerobic build
(marathon effort. Some people are continuing to race)
2 Apr. 3 Long tempo
3 Apr. 10 Long tempo
4 Apr. 17 Long tempo
5 Apr. 24 Lactate Threshold Lactate Threshold: 30' easy warm-up + 60' at best effort + 30' easy warm down
(The 60' is 30' out and 30' back)

Aerobic build
6 May 1 Lactate Threshold
7 May 8 Lactate Threshold
8 May 15 Long tempo Recovery week (optional)
9 May 22 Lactate Threshold Lactate Threshold: 30' easy warm-up + 60' at best effort + 30' easy warm down
(The 60' is 30' out and 30' back)
10 May 29† Lactate Threshold
11 June 5 Lactate Threshold
12 June 12 Long tempo Recovery week (optional)
13 June 19 Lactate Threshold Lactate Threshold: 30' easy warm-up + 60' at best effort + 30' easy warm down
(The 60' is 30' out and 30' back)
14 June 26 Lactate Threshold
15 July 3 Lactate Threshold
16 July 10 Long tempo Recovery week (optional)
17 July 17 Lactate Threshold Lactate Threshold: 30' easy warm-up + 60' at best effort + 30' easy warm down
(The 60' is 30' out and 30' back)
Aerobic build / Strength phase / Hill phase
18 July 24 Lactate Threshold
19 July 31 Lactate Threshold
20 Aug. 7 Long tempo Recovery week (optional)
21 Aug. 14 Lactate Threshold Lactate Threshold: 30' easy warm-up + 60' at best effort + 30' easy warm down
(The 60' is 30' out and 30' back)
Anaerobic phase / maintaining aerobic build
22 Aug. 21 Lactate Threshold
23 Aug. 28 Lactate Threshold
24 Sep. 4 Long tempo Recovery week (optional)
25 Sep. 11 Lactate Threshold Lactate Threshold: 30' easy warm-up + 60' at best effort + 30' easy warm down
(The 60' is 30' out and 30' back)
Anaerobic phase / Marathon practise
26 Sep. 18 Lactate Threshold
27 Sep. 25 Long tempo Recovery week (optional)

† Run Leader TBD


  1. Training sessions every Thursday from March 27, 2025 to September 25, 2025 from Lochside Trail near Monkey Tree Pub at Tripp Station Park.
  2. All abilities and fitness levels welcome, as long as a you can run for two hours.
  3. Run leader is Christopher Kelsall and will have a substitute on occasion.
  4. No pacing (go by effort)
  5. No racing
  6. During the Lactate Threshold runs: Once finished warm up, run as fast as you can for an hour without straining, or needing to slow until 30' warm down begins.
  7. No sandbagging, or attempting big negative or positive splits (defeats the purpose).
  8. Thursday Thresholds are meant to fit into a periodization program where no racing or hard speed training is done for 8 - 12 weeks.
  9. Contact: Christopher Kelsall at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 250-857-6643 with your questions.

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