Local Trails and Trail Maps
John Hasell maps
John Hasell avidly explored the region with his Wednesday Wonderers and Thursday Thrashers friends until his passing in 2011, documenting all his hikes and creating a large collection of home-made maps. As few of the summits and trails in the Sooke Hills had official names, he simply used those of group members, geological features or things spotted along the way. While the maps are less used now for navigation, most of the names live on.
- 01e West Sooke Hills.jpg *
- 01f East Sooke Hills.jpg *
- 10a Todd Creek and The Lakes Trails.jpg *
- 10c The Sooke Hills Lakes.jpg
- 13a Manuel Quimper Area Trails.jpg
- 15a Sooke Mountain Park Area.jpg *
- 18c Letter Boxes - Lands End.jpg
- 19d Braden - Amigos - Dinosaur Trails.jpg
- 21a Mt McDonald - Upper Amigos Trail.jpg *
- 22a Mount Wells Regional Park Trails.jpg
- The Trails round Ragged Mountain.jpg
Caution: Do not use solely for navigation as some trails have shifted or become overgrown and new trails have appeared. Some names have also changed, as has some ownership and accessibility to the public. Do enjoy for their historic artful elegance.
* better resolution
The remainder of this page hasn't been checked in years. Many links are likely broken.
Major Repositories
Provincial Parks
Sooke Mountain Provincial Park or BC Parks Site
Thetis Lake Area
Old Stewart Mountain Race Course
Lochside and Galloping Goose Trails and Nearby Parks
Galloping Goose and Lochside Regional Trails
Sooke Mountain Provincial Park
Saanich and Area Parks
Colquitz River Trails: North, South
Rithet's Bog & Broadmead Trails
Up-Island Parks and Trails
Trans-Canada Trail near Duncan (descriptions of routes only)
Heavy J's Mount Tzouhalem Trail Map
Training Plan Links
Multiple Distances
Hal Higdon's Training Programs
Marathon Plans
Goodlife Fitness Victoria Marathon
Shorter Distance Plans
Training Ideas
Frank Horwill
Frank Speaking - Articles by Frank Horwill of the British Milers Club
John Kellogg
John Kellogg's Four Principles of Training
John Kellogg - Low-Volume Rubbish
Arthur Lydiard
Arthur Lydiard's Athletic Training
George Malley