"I may be a Fat Ass, but I'm in front of you!"  At least I was close enough to read the back of the shirt of the runner in front of me.  I was inspired to leap over the rocks and roots of East Sooke Park in true 'billy goat' style.  Sixty of us enjoyed balmy conditions on  March 28 2015 in the Club Fat Ass Spaghetti Trees Run.  We started at the very civilized time of 12:30 pm., which allowed plenty of runners to come from Vancouver - they must have hit the java hard during the ferry ride because, man, were they frisky!

We had a choice of a 12k-ish course, rumoured to have around 500m of total elevation, or 18+ k-ish course with twice the elevation.  Both distances feel longer but terrific tours of the park.  The start and finish are at the Anderson Cove parking lot.  After a group photo we set off with a climb on single track for several kms up the north side of Babbington Hill and onto Coppermine Trail where the runners had a chance to stride out on double track to the coast.  The coast trail is narrow, rugged and technical, but in perfect weather it offers sparkling views of the rocky shoreline.  The route hugs the coast to Cabin Point, where an interesting old fishing cabin makes a diverting stop.  (The short course turns inland shortly before reaching Cabin Point).  From there we turned inland and the trail ascends over Babbington Hill.

Several aid stations were stocked with delicious food and post-run brewskis were the draw prizes for a fortunate few runners.  Next year, I am to be the one with the Fat Ass!

Course Map:  httsp://www.facebook.com/groups/clubfatass/10152237411752324/

 Fat Ass pic 2
We covered a lot of scenic geography.  After the run everyone gathered at the 17 Mile pub for some well-earned refreshments.

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Lots of elevation gain and technical sections, but it certainly was a scenic route


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